Rumours abound that holiday lets may well be allowed to reopen in early July, so we’ve been busy thinking about how that could work at The Old Quarry. It’s been a bit of head-scratcher at times, but we think we’ve found the best way forward and have taken the following steps:

  • Develop a Risk Assessment to look at where COVID-19 related hazards lie and what we can do to mitigate these risks.
  • In response to this, make adjustments to our cleaning regime so that we’re not just cleaning but disinfecting too.
  • This means we’ve had to invest in duplicate items so that we can swap in clean ones for new guests as well as equipment to help us prepare the property as efficiently as possible.
  • Despite this, there’s still going to be an increase in the time it now takes to turn a property round between guests, so we’re changing check-in and check-out times to allow for this
  • We’re also going to ask guests to play their part to keep everyone safe by bagging up their bed linen and towels at the end of their stays as well as keeping us informed about any coronavirus symptoms that develop before, during or in the few days after a stay.
  • And, finally, we’re changing our booking conditions to give full refunds or an opportunity to postpone to a later date to those who can’t travel due to public health measures.

More details on these additional measures can be found here. No-one can ever guarantee a place is virus free but, hopefully, these additional measures will mean that everyone can book and stay with confidence.


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